This mutually exclusive relationship between ciliogenesis and cell cycle progression is considered to allow centrosomes to duplicate and to function as the main microtubule-organizing centers and mitotic apparatuses in growing cells3,6,13C17

This mutually exclusive relationship between ciliogenesis and cell cycle progression is considered to allow centrosomes to duplicate and to function as the main microtubule-organizing centers and mitotic apparatuses in growing cells3,6,13C17

This mutually exclusive relationship between ciliogenesis and cell cycle progression is considered to allow centrosomes to duplicate and to function as the main microtubule-organizing centers and mitotic apparatuses in growing cells3,6,13C17. A signal. Moreover, primary cilia abrogation, which is usually induced upon IFT20 or Cep164 depletion, ameliorates the cell cycle arrest of EGFR knockdown cells. The present data reveal that this EGFR-USP8-trichoplein-Aurora A axis is usually a critical signaling cascade that restricts ciliogenesis in dividing cells, and functions to facilitate cell NMI 8739 proliferation. We further show that knockout zebrafish develops ciliopathy-related phenotypes including cystic kidney, suggesting that USP8 is NMI 8739 usually a regulator of ciliogenesis in vertebrates. Introduction The primary cilia are microtubule-based sensory organelles that are produced from mother centrioles (also known as basal bodies) and protrude from the apical surface of quiescent cells. Primary cilia are considered to function as chemosensors and/or mechnosensors, and play crucial roles in a variety of developmental signaling pathways1C6. Defects in ciliogenesis and dysregulated ciliary functions of this signaling antenna result in cell dysfunctions and multiple genetic diseases, collectively termed ciliopathies. These include polycystic kidney, microcephaly, retinal degeneration, situs inversus, and tumorigenesis7C10. The presence of primary cilia has long been implicated in cell cycle progression: tissue culture cells generally form primary cilia when they are exposed to cell cycle exit signals such as serum starvation, and then serum stimulation induces primary cilia disassembly that is accompanied by cell cycle re-entry11,12. This mutually exclusive relationship between ciliogenesis and cell cycle progression is considered to allow centrosomes to duplicate and to function as the main microtubule-organizing centers and mitotic apparatuses in growing cells3,6,13C17. Recent studies have further revealed that primary cilia themselves drive the cell NMI 8739 cycle checkpoint: delayed or defective primary cilia disassembly could block cell cycle re-entry upon serum stimulation of quiescent cells18C23, and conversely, loss of primary cilia accelerates the re-entry24. Moreover, when unscheduled ciliogenesis is induced by dysfunctions of negative cilia regulators, cells exit cell cycle even in growth conditions23,25,26. These observations suggest that several regulatory mechanisms coupled to Rabbit Polyclonal to OR9Q1 cell cycle have evolved to ensure the timely onset of ciliognesis13,14,16,17. We have previously shown that a centriolar protein, trichoplein, originally identified as a keratin-binding protein27,28, acts as a negative regulator of ciliogenesis in growing cells25. Trichoplein binds and activates Aurora A kinase especially at G1 phase, which then suppresses ciliogenesis. Knockdown of trichoplein or Aurora A causes unscheduled ciliogenesis-dependent cell cycle arrest in growth condition. Upon serum starvation-induced cell cycle exit, trichoplein is polyubiquitinated by the CRL3KCTD17 ubiquitin ligase and removed from the mother centriole through proteasome-mediated degradation, triggering Aurora A inactivation and ciliogenesis23,26,29. However, it remains unknown why trichoplein is resistant to degradation in growing cells because the CRL3KCTD17 functions are unchanged by serum starvation26. In this study, we have sought to identify a deubiquitinase (DUB) that suppresses ciliogenesis by counteracting the CRL3KCTD17-mediated trichoplein degradation. Our small-interfering RNA (siRNA)-based functional screens identified six DUBs as negative regulators of ciliogenesis in RPE1 cells. Further analyses revealed that USP8 directly deubiquitinated trichoplein and stabilized its protein levels in growing cells. Most importantly, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase activated USP8 by phosphorylating Tyr-717 and Tyr-810. Therefore, serum starvation led to downregulation of the EGFR-USP8 signal, which allowed CRL3KCTD17 to target trichoplein for degradation, resulting in ciliogenesis. We further found that knockout zebrafish developed ciliopathy-related anomalies, suggesting that USP8 functions as an important factor of ciliogenesis in vertebrates. Results The six DUBs function to suppress ciliogenesis To identify DUBs that negatively regulate ciliogenesis in growing cells, we performed the following screens using hTERT-immortalized human retinal epithelia (RPE1) cells (see flowchart in Fig.?1a). In the primary screen, we used a Human ON-TARGETplus siRNA libraryTM that consists of 86 pools of four siRNAs targeting each DUB. In the presence of serum, ciliogenesis was rarely observed in control cells, but significantly induced when one of the six genes encoding, knockout (KO) zebrafish (Supplementary Fig.?6), which displayed various ciliopathy-related phenotypes, including cystic kidney, hydrocephalus, and microphthalmia (Fig.?3a). The most frequent ciliopathy-related phenotype observed in KO was cystic kidney (Fig.?3b). Immunohistochemical staining revealed the dilation of pronephric duct at 27?h post-fertilization (hpf) (Fig. 3c) and 4 days post-fertilization (dpf) (Fig.?3d, e) compared with WT zebrafish. The length of pronephric cilia in usp8 KO zebrafish seems to be longer than that of WT zebrafish at 27?hpf (Fig. 3c) and 4?dpf (Fig.?3d). These in vivo studies.